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At Guardian Hospice Organization, we are eager to become a Team of Enlightenment for the Senior Adults and their families, so they can navigate safely during challenging times; hence, in addition to the following resources we will be adding to the list from time to time anything that we assess as valuable and helpful. For your convenience, the list is alphabetized.1....

This year, on November 22nd, we are celebrating Thanksgiving. It is a great American Holiday, and it is usually the best family gathering during which, we enjoy delicious food and desserts, watch football games, and the most important observance is that we express our profound gratitude for all the blessings that we have received throughout the last 364...

Life is an educational journey. We arrived at the port of sailing as infants with fear of the unknown having exited the womb of safety of a loving mother, and we embarked on the vessel of humanity.From the beginning, we had to learn how to eat, how to sleep, how to walk, how to pay attention to new things, how to adapt to an ecosystem, how to survive a crisis, how to...